highway to holiness

We each are on a journey in this life as though traveling on a highway. Each one of our decisions direct us on this highway that ultimately leads us to our final destination, eternity. We need to choose wisely as each decision really does matter. Our most important decision is, what will we do with Jesus. Eternity, Eternity.....where will you spend eternity and what will you do with Jesus! Travel Wisely!

January 9, 2012


We need an experience with the changing power of the Holy Spirit operating in our daily lives.  Christ instructed the disciples that they needed to encounter the Holy Spirit, to empower them. If we are living without the Holy Spirit operating in our life, we will be weak in faith, weak in belief, weak in power to overcome addictions, habits and attitudes.  But when we encounter the working power of the Holy Spirit, we then produce fruit that both man and God witness.  Encountering the Holy Spirit will cause us to live through Christ Jesus our Lord, as "He will give us power from on high," and there are many of us that are in need of power today. This is a moment of truth ~We're desperate for the Holy Spirit to empower us to walk out successful living, we need boldness, wisdom, direction and understanding for the days we're living in.  If the disciples needed the power of the Holy Spirit to live, how much more we must need it, as we are living in the last of the last days.

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