highway to holiness

We each are on a journey in this life as though traveling on a highway. Each one of our decisions direct us on this highway that ultimately leads us to our final destination, eternity. We need to choose wisely as each decision really does matter. Our most important decision is, what will we do with Jesus. Eternity, Eternity.....where will you spend eternity and what will you do with Jesus! Travel Wisely!

October 21, 2011

Suit Up!

My Child, it's the dawning of a new day.  The time has come to rise up; and strap on your marching boots; and position your self in The Army of The Lord, as the mighty ones in Spirit are gathering for a tearing down of strongholds.  There is a freshness in the air as we march side by side, it is the mighty ones strengthening each other as they have heard the same battle cry.  It's not a time to lament the past but to press on, for the victory lies ahead.  There is strength in numbers, but there is GREATER strength in My Spirit and I will fight this battle for you. Just as I had Gideon go into battle with few in number I will do the same for you, I will come and demolish any weapon that rises up against you. This is a time for casting down of strongholds.  This happens in the spirit,  but it does require time spent with Me singing, dancing, praising and pushing back the enemy as you seek My face.  Time spent with Me will do more than any physical strength can do.  Time spent with Me will do more than any of your own thoughts or ideas could do.  Don't go into battle unprotected, suit up by being in My presence.  "MARCH, I say MARCH".............

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