highway to holiness

We each are on a journey in this life as though traveling on a highway. Each one of our decisions direct us on this highway that ultimately leads us to our final destination, eternity. We need to choose wisely as each decision really does matter. Our most important decision is, what will we do with Jesus. Eternity, Eternity.....where will you spend eternity and what will you do with Jesus! Travel Wisely!

August 9, 2011


Samson’s life is a great example of how we also live our lives, which is imperfect.  Not that we desire to be this way, but Samson like us, was self-centered, lived by emotion, he made bad decisions, and developed relationships with disloyal people. God didn't hold Samson’s imperfect and negative qualities against him.  But even in his messed up life, Samson still had access to the Power of God to do remarkable and unimaginable things. Samson’s poor decisions did affect him-self and impact his own life.  But, we see God was still working His plan even at the time of Samson’s greatest loss of both his eyesight and his freedom.  During his darkest days, God hadn’t forgotten him, but was preparing Samson for the main event which resulted in God using Samson to accomplish more in those final moments of his life than his life in its entirety.  What great news for us, as we realize that even when our life is a mess and it appears to be a complete opposite as to what we think the plan should look like; God is greater than our emotions, our relationships and our darkest hour.  God wants to breathe His strength into us and work in mighty ways to accomplish His plan for our life.  Don’t give in to the voice of regrets, insignificance or the voice that tries to chain us to the cross to earn perfection or our place with Christ.  God wants to take the Samsons of this world with our messed up and imperfect lives to powerfully be used of God.

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