It's not clear. There seems to be confusion as to this season of celebration.
Some are bothered about Christmas being called "The Holiday Season".
And yet, is it Christ that's really celebrated or have we hijacked His birthday and decided to celebrate us on His day.
Do we then trade birthdays with Him and celebrate Him on our birthday!?!
I haven't seen that done yet.
If we could physically see Christ here on earth, do you think He would feel celebrated on His day?
How you ask, could we celebrate Him on His birthday.
When we give to the poor, that's considered giving as to God.
When we visit the shut in, the lonely, the prisoner. That's considered ministry as unto Him.
When we feed and cloth the needy, that's doing it as unto Christ.
We'll do just enough of helping the poor to ease our conscience, but it's time for us to
take a true assessment, who it is we're actually celebrating.
Him, the CHRIST of this day or has He been replace with an idol of self.
Could this be what scripture speaks of "as the end approaches there will be very difficult times, men will be lovers of themselves, self absorbed, loving pleasure more than God."
Let's work together to shake off this addiction of self.
Let's return to the who, we celebrate in CHRISTmas!
As you have read this I hope it's not read with condemnation, because that's not what was intended by this. It comes from a place of time spent with the Father and Him speaking of how mankind has truly replaced Him, even at Christmas, with themselves, and with what seems right to man. This is truly birthed out of a cry from within me, asking God how do we celebrate Him during this season and asking HIM to change me and make me into the image of what He intended His Children to be.
This is from my heart to yours,
Merry Christmas!
highway to holiness
We each are on a journey in this life as though traveling on a highway. Each one of our decisions direct us on this highway that ultimately leads us to our final destination, eternity. We need to choose wisely as each decision really does matter. Our most important decision is, what will we do with Jesus. Eternity, Eternity.....where will you spend eternity and what will you do with Jesus! Travel Wisely!
December 24, 2015
December 22, 2015
Tis the Season, to be Weary......
Many of us look forward to this time of year and spend countless hours searching out "just the right" gift for a friend or family member. Rushing around, shopping, wrapping, cooking, baking, partying, aka exhaustion.
All the while, God is bending low to hear us. Waiting for us to take the time to talk with Him.
He bends His ear to catch those things that we desire or need to discuss with Him.
He's forever looking for us to come to Him, His arms outstretched to minister to us in the distresses of our life and to strengthen us in our weaknesses.
His Love for us is immeasurable.
His desires for us to succeed are beyond our own dreams.
Let's get back to the point of this celebration, it's not about man, but about Him.
Let's shake off the weariness that we've created, and embrace this great King who came and provided more than we deserve.
He is the only one worthy of such a grand celebration, called Christmas.
Let's slow down and silence the rush, join in this wonderful time of celebration, because of HIM.
Be still and know this God, the CHRIST of the season!
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