highway to holiness

We each are on a journey in this life as though traveling on a highway. Each one of our decisions direct us on this highway that ultimately leads us to our final destination, eternity. We need to choose wisely as each decision really does matter. Our most important decision is, what will we do with Jesus. Eternity, Eternity.....where will you spend eternity and what will you do with Jesus! Travel Wisely!

November 18, 2012


"My Child, come into My presence each day to receive what you need for the plans and purposes that I have for you.
I know there is much in your life and in the world that is not ideal. Yet, I will continue to be faithful and true to guide you in all things.
Push through, there is a Holy boldness that awaits with your name on it. I have reserved it for you.
Gone are the days of ease and comfort and yet, you will find that I am more than enough for you.
You will not find life out side of Me. What I give the world has no substitute for.
This Holy boldness that awaits you, comes with a power unmatched by man. It is only for those willing to give their all, for the cause of Christ.
These days on earth try to entangle your mind into believing that all is lost, all is hopeless.
And yet, My spirit, who is not of this this world, says, the best is yet to come.
You want to see the miraculous, look to Me.
I am the God that does the unbelievable, the unexplainable, truly the miraculous.
Hear Me when I say,
'Come to Me, come, come to Me. I want to empower you to live abundantly on the earth today.'
There is no formula to receive this power. It's only by relationship with Me and not with this world. The Spirit is willing and yet your flesh is weak.  Speak to your flesh, to submit to the spirit.
There is much work that awaits, there are many miracles that are yet to be revealed.
The Spirit says 'Come'.

November 12, 2012


"You say you want My power, you say you want My presence. And yet, I have withheld it from you. Out of My love and mercy, I have refrained from sending My presence into your midst.  It would be taken and used for man's glory. It's because of My kindness and mercy that I have held back the very thing that you have longed for. The reckless condition of the church is the reason I have withheld My very presence from your midst.

But, there is coming a great move of My Spirit that will be used for mighty things to come. It will take you into regions and areas that no man could go, it will be birthed out of My very presence and power. There is a great move of My Spirit that will undo man and cause him to take his place behind Me, no longer trying to take credit or ownership of My glory. There are many great things ahead and yet it will come at a high price. I'm telling you, it will be worth it all."

October 8, 2012

Mountain Top~

To dwell on the Mountain top with the wind at our back and the sun on our face, would be our choice for living.

But if we stay on the mountain long enough, we will find self, taking credit for these high places in life and possibly develop a taste for man made plans. Suddenly we have lost sight of "it's all about Him" because we've polluted this beautiful place with living life "our way" and only adding "The Author of Everything" to our plans.
There are detours in life that lead us to the Valley road. And it's on these roughed pathways where our true journey of character and strength begins.  Our roots go down a little deeper with each detour, growing our inner man, as we learn to lean heavy in our Heavenly Father.  In the Valley, it's here, where we gain more knowledge of His character. And with each passing day, we have a better understanding that this is the same Loving Father that was with us on the Mountain Top, He hasn't changed toward us, only our circumstances have changed.  We gain a deeper trust in Him, that can only be revealed by passing through the Valley.  It's at this place, that we develop a deep love for our Father in a new and life changing way.

Our Gracious Father will choose to lead us back up the mountain. But this time, our mountain top experience is even more beautiful.  We've gained a deeper knowledge of who our Father is, causing us to have a Holy Reverence for this Majestic, Almighty One, who is more than worthy of All our praise.

September 30, 2012

God's Favor

God loves to shower blessings on His great creation.  Just as an earthly father wants to give the best to his children, knowing they are not perfect; so does our heavenly Father.  His goodness to us is not dependent upon us, or our good works.

This favor of God is something that we can't possess on our own.  It can't be bought nor can it be sold. God's favor is freely given to mankind, flowing unto the just and the unjust.  We could never work hard enough to earn the favor of God.

Therefore; we can't take credit for our life, in the blessed and favored seasons; knowing that it's not based on anything that we have done.  Likewise, we accept our life during the difficult seasons, also, knowing that it is not based on anything we have done.

We thank God, in every season, He is still a loving Father, desirous to grow us during each season.

September 20, 2012

Discipline of Our Loving Father~

We are to endure hardship as discipline.

In Hebrews, it describes discipline as hardship, and that we are to endure and to be trained by it.
That's an interesting thought, that the discipline of God; which is meant to produce holiness in us, are the experiences in life that are hard and difficult.
God only gives good things therefore, the hard things in our life, are meant for good.  Even though, to us, no discipline is pleasant or seems right, but rather painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace, for those who have been trained by it.

This is an intriguing thought, enduring discipline may not be our choice, but choosing to be trained by it is. Choosing to produce something good from it, is left up to us.

Therefore, we have a decision, to make good out of our difficulty and be trained by it, or to be defiant and stubborn by the hardship, resulting in nothing good at all. To produce nothing good, after enduring something difficult, is a very sorrowful outcome.

However, having a humble attitude, during hard & difficult situations, is choosing to be trained by the hardship and to be molded and shaped by the hand of the great Creator.

Therefore, we're not to lose heart in our difficulties, our Loving Father has our best in mind.
He only disciplines those He loves; thereby, giving us the option to be trained by it, and to produce something beautiful through our life.

September 17, 2012

Thy Will Be Done~

Do we know what the will of God is.....

The Lord's prayer says, "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven".
The Bible also says, to make our request known to God, that we're to ask.
Scripture also says, our prayers aren't answered because we ask with wrong motives.

At times this can be confusing....
So, how do we know and understand His will and how to pray.

Possible it comes about, as we put a new dimension on our time with God, by just seeking Him, to know Him for who He is.  To meditate on His greatness, to recognize His mighty power. That truly, there is none that can compare to Him.
In this process we will have a better understanding of this Magnificent God, who is All Knowing and that we are mere man with limited knowledge. We develop a trust in this Loving Father.
Suddenly, we find our self saying, "thy will be done" recognizing that these are just not words, but that our desires have changed, to align to the heart of our Father.
And we are now in the will of God.

September 16, 2012

Life Situations~

These are days of great times of testing and a future that is uncertain. 
Many are walking life, in this present day, carrying deep pain.
Many are suffering with a physical affliction.
Many are on a journey, experiencing emotional distress or extreme mental pressure.
In our present life situations with such great unrest, there is One who has already carried our sorrows. He has already suffered for our afflictions.  He endured death on the cross, to send the Holy Spirit, so we could experience peace in place of this stress.
We have access to the One who offers comfort to all who are weary, from the chaos of life. He offers solace from the pressures of the haunting, "what ifs" that find us during our moments of silence.
In our stillness, let's fix our mind on the Faithful One, who has healing that flows from His veins.  Let's be caught up by His Mighty Strong hand allowing Him to hold us close and to be a fortress for us during our season of distress. He promised the Holy Spirit will comfort us.
Let Faith arise, He is our refuge and our Strength, our very present help in times of trouble.

September 14, 2012

Safely Under My Wing~

"When the winds blow and the storm is fierce, I am with you.
I'm not hiding in the shadows....No, I am the shadow maker.
I am a strong and mighty tower that is immovable.
So when the storm rages, you will find Me, not in the shadows hiding, but I will hide you under My shadow.  There you will find rest and comfort for your soul as you wait out the storm, tucked safely under the shadow of My wing."

September 1, 2012

Perfect Harmony~

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us altogether in perfect harmony.

Harmony means compatibility in opinion and action. Having order with congruity.

A harmonious sound, is a structure of chords playing together, it's different than unison. This is a perfect example of how our relationships with others should be.

Living in harmony allows each of us to live along side the other not losing who we are but embracing and giving value to others along the way. This is not a time to go "solo" or force others to be in unison. We each have been created with different strengths and weaknesses and yet we are called to live in perfect harmony with others.

This will require us to live along side each other keeping stride, not one overtaking the other, but encouraging each other, operating out of a heart of love one for another. As we are on the same journey in life; our path will be much smoother as harmony is the goal, and we find that love once again is the glue that holds us together.

We will lead by our example.... And the greatest of these is LOVE.

August 29, 2012

Only One~

 We're on a collision course with "self'' when we choose to link arms with the Father.

Our way is self preservation, of time, money and relationship and His way is of sacrifice. Our way is of ease and comfort and His way for us at times feel full of uncertainty.
It's the desire of man to obtain what we think is control of situations in our life.

But, as we choose to walk with Christ, with His arm in ours, His direction for us pulls against the direction we would naturally go. Therefore, we have decisions to make all along the way.

Do we desire God's way above our own and surrender to the pull of Christ. Do we allow Him to lead even when the path seems rough and never the direction we would choose. Or do we think our way is best and ask Him to bless our path as we lead the way.

When our arm is linked with the Father, there can only be one directing our life.   "There is a way that seems right to man, but the end result is of destruction." Allow Him to lead as He knows our final destination.  

August 19, 2012

In Every Season

This post will be different than my others; this is from my soul man, from my heart where the emotions and the mind are housed.

The 2nd week of April, I was engaged in conversation with God, when He spoke a Word to me while I was traveling:

"Settle it now, I am Good and All My ways are Good.  I am Good through and through. Every Good gift comes from Me and what the enemy means for evil I will take it and turn it for Good.
I didn't create man with a mind to comprehend or understand My ways; otherwise you would be an equal to Me and there is none equal to Me. You will never understand My ways, so I want you to trust Me like you want your children to trust you. So, trust Me when I say I am Good."

As I heard God very clearly speaking this, I thought, Oh dear God, what are we in for.....

Two weeks later:
May 4th our good friend was killed in a motorcycle accident.
June 18th my precious and godly father died after suffering a painful death.
August 4th my husband's wonderful brother, at 48 years old, died suddenly of a heart attack.

 It's been three months, full of the unexpected and of the most painful emotions that cause our very chest to actually ache within us.  We've not even healed from the first loss before the next one hits. Our own personal sorrow is great, but to witness the agonizing sorrow of our loved ones as they also suffer their loss is even more painful.

Each of us will encounter something during our life that just doesn't make sense to our mind, nor will it ever line up to how we process life situations and what we think would or should be right.  It was 2 weeks before the first death when God gave the Word about His Goodness. Prior to all this misery, He wanted us to settle this matter now, reminding us to trust Him and that ALL His ways are Good.  Even though our minds can't see what Good can come from this, God sees the big picture.  We are forced to live out the words, "we walk by faith and not by sight".  We've never journeyed this route before, so we can't lean into our past experiences to help us. We have nothing to measure this by or to pull from our past reservoirs of "how to handle an over-load of emotions, sorrow, and deep brokenness." So we start anew, this relationship with God, going yet again deeper into His presence to find the help we need to live, not in the craziness of all of this, but to live beyond it. And not pressing into God for understanding, as He has already said, we won't understand His ways. But, pressing toward the prize that awaits us, looking to Christ who is the finisher of our faith. We know it is God who is faithful to give us grace in the midst of this storm.  We are learning the character of God from both sides of life; in seasons of good times and in seasons of pain.  We recognize in all seasons, God is Good and His ways are beyond our comprehension.  We trust God in this storm, He will be faithful.

July 25, 2012

King of All~

"Become an Expert of Me.  Learn the Word.  Seek after Me.  This is a time of fasting, fasting of time wasters. Worrying is a time waster. This is a time to acknowledge Me for who I am.  King of All things.  Don't allow your self to be concerned with those things that trouble you.  I am the King even over those things.  Allow Me to rule and reign them for you."

June 19, 2012

None Equal ~

"I didn't create man with a mind to comprehend or understand my ways; if I had, you would be an equal to Me and there is none equal to Me.  So trust Me and My ways and know that I am a good God. Yes, I am guiding you into this place where your Spirit man will reflect the very nature of God.  The fruit of My Spirit is being produced in your soul man, as you trust in Me during times of distress to the soul. So press on and lean in to Me the giver of every good gift. Trust Me, as your reward will truly be worth it all."

March 15, 2012

A Sacrifice of Praise!

"I hear your words and I hear the cry from your heart, I also hear your praise and I am moved by your praise.  You have entered into the throne room when you offer a sacrifice of praise, and your answers will ride on the wings of this praise.  Enter in to this place, allowing your Spirit to connect to the Most Holy One, by offering praise. Singing, dancing and worshiping from the Spirit man produces results of peace and a steady strength, building a foundation of power, that will conquer the darkness that tries to hinder the flow of the Spirit.  Let all that has breath praise the Lord."

March 9, 2012

Nothing Else Matters~

We are living at an accelerated pace with our destination into the eternal fast approaching. We can't afford to live as we have in the past, there is too much at stake and the price to be paid is our time, seeking God for those "greater things". This time we spend with Him, creates a spiritual awareness, that develops an understanding of the unlimited resources available to us when we live within the atmosphere of His presence.  There is much to be gained in the presence of our King; such as an understanding of what really matters, coupled with the knowledge of His power and authority within our very being. It puts to rest the victim mentality and the hopelessness that is abundant on the earth today.  We have nothing to lose and much to gain as we seek Him for revelation and understanding. He builds a confidence within us that settles all matters of the heart.  In light of eternity, the only thing that matters is our relationship with the Father and His Kingdom purposes.  Nothing else matters.

March 2, 2012

Travel Victoriously~

There is a highway of the Spirit life called, the "Highway to Holiness." Few travel on it. This highway is reserved for God's people exclusively, only for those that are redeemed. When you travel on this highway it's impossible to get lost on it, there is nothing threatening on it nor is there any thing dangerous on it. This is the very highway where there is singing and gifts of joy and gladness, all sorrows and sighing will vanish. This is the highway that we will travel to arrive to our final destination and be welcomed home. So let's energize the limp hands and strengthen the knees and tell our fearful souls; "have courage, take heart" Our God is here, right now, let's get on this "highway" of the Spirit and travel victoriously.

February 29, 2012

Stay in the Fight~

Rise up above the chaos and confusion that tries to hinder your progress.  This is a time like none other, there is much happening in the heavenlie realm, a warring in the Spirit realm.  But, I have overcome the world and I am looking for those that will be bold and courageous, not easily swayed by the things that try to over whelm you, but pressing on, into the purposes of the Kingdom.  I offer ways of escape for every trap that the enemy sets for you, so focus on Me, don't look within your self or at your situation.  This is a fight against your Spirit man, just not for happiness. No, I am telling you this is a much greater battle than your mind can comprehend. Stay in the fight and watch for Me, as it will be victorious in the realm of the Spirit.  Your greatest need is not for stability in life, you are in need of stability within your Spirit.  So, rise up, I desire to grow your Spirit large, so practice the things of the Spirit life....rejoicing, praising, standing steadfast with faith in the conquering King of Kings.

February 22, 2012

Another Realm ~

Living by faith:  Looking outside of the natural facts of life that transpire around us; giving no room for fear.  We shake off the feelings of our soul man and don't succumb to our mind, will and emotions.  Learning to rise above "sight living", the things we see or feel; pushing past thoughts that want to take us captive; living beyond the limitations of  this earth, no longer bound to the laws of  "common living".  We have been called to live at a higher standard of living, this means putting a demand on our soul to submit to our Spirit man. Our soul leans toward the flow of negative thoughts, doubt, fear, unbelief etc. therefore; we won't benefit from our soul man leading us nor can we trust our soul man to wisely control us. We must dismiss our own thoughts and only trust the Spirit of God to align us to Him and allow God to be our guide.  As we connect our Spirit with God, we are now ever vigilant to align our thoughts, words and actions to the miraculous ways of our God, outside of the usual practice of man, understanding there is much more happening than what we can comprehend with our mind's eye. There is a realm that we can't see with our natural eyes, this is where the over comer lives; trusting in things that can't be seen, believing in truth.  Living at a place much, much higher than the thoughts or ways of man.

February 21, 2012

Greater Things~

There are some things in life not worth pursuing, such as riches and fame.  To obtain great wealth in knowledge and wisdom is to be desired.  To be rich in the Spirit, above all else, is what you should want.  I have ordered the steps of your life, before the beginning of time I had you on My mind.  I pursued you and you have found Me.  Now, there is much to be accomplished in these last days.  Do not look at things in life as one with natural sight, no, look way deeper into the Spirit and you will begin to see with a clear vision, those things not seen by man.  Deep calling unto Deep. As you look beyond the surface, you will have an understanding that supports the strong foundation to putting feet to your faith and walking in this place of victory, where faith overrides fear. Great things are accomplished in the Spirit realm as you embrace the Word of Truth, "and greater things you will do", says the Spirit of the Lord.

February 16, 2012

Spirit Eyes~

We have been created to have eyes to see beyond what the natural eye can see. Having a clarity in our vision,  as the two spies, Joshua and Caleb's eyesight, seeing with a 20/20 Spirit Vision, beyond the natural realm.  They both truly saw in the natural the same thing that the 10 other spies saw, giants in the Land.  Yet, Joshua and Caleb, were experienced visionaries, they could see beyond their natural vision and grasp the truth of what God had said, "take the land".  In the natural it is much easier to see with our natural eyes and walk in unbelief, where the majority travel, but in doing so, we miss out on the Greater things that God has planned. What Giants are we facing, that we need to look beyond the facts and see with our Spirit Eyes, the greater things that God has for us. Let's be reminded that "our God is with us and there is nothing that He can't do". Let's go and conquer the land that lies ruined and wasted before us and overtake the Giants that are in OUR LAND.

February 14, 2012


We don't like the discomfort that we experience in this life, but it's a good thing that we're uncomfortable living in this world; because after all, it's not our home.  We are only on this journey of life here on earth for a short time, making the best of our walk while we're just traveling through.  Take comfort in the knowledge that if all was well for us while living each day, we might become accustomed to the lifestyle of the ways of the world, not wanting to advance into the kingdom and the better things that God offers us.  So we don't allow the rain in life to dampen our joy in the journey. Because we trust in God and not our current situation, knowing one day we will truly celebrate like we've never known before...... so let's practice the celebration now....celebrating the King of Kings and everything that He is, was and will be.  We celebrate in a Spirit of truth; seeing with the eyes of the Spirit, and looking toward those things that have not yet been revealed.

February 13, 2012


In these days we need to desire a close relationship with Christ that will grow our Spirit Man to be strong and courageous. Seeking out the call of deep calling unto deep. We need ears to hear what the Spirit is saying and take up the shield of faith to arise to a much higher level of living.  Don't let the fear of man, the fear of the unknown or fear of the unfamiliar hinder us in this time. We need to be clothed in a Holy Boldness to accomplish the "greater things" that will fulfill these final days.  This means, we must use the power and authority that Christ offers to do great exploits; signs, wonders, healing, deliverance, the miraculous.  This is nothing that man can produce on our own, but it's a partnering that we do with Christ as He gives us all power to live in a culture of  HOLY BOLDNESS. What's approaching, has a face of something new that is coming across the land, to do the "greater things".  We will see MIGHTY works being accomplished by "those people" who trust in God, as they walk in faith, giving no place to fear. Let's be "those people".

February 10, 2012

Voice Activates Faith~

Mighty is our God; great is His faithfulness and unfailing ways.  He is more than able to lift life's heavy burden and the load that so heavily weighs us down.  There is healing in His name and help for all that is sick or oppressed. For those in a season of great distress, He is more than enough to take the pressures and sorrow out of the chaos that entangles the mind.  Lean into Him and gain knowledge of who He is. As we know the character of God, we will understand our role in this world and the authority that we have in speaking into the situations of life.  As we co-labor with Christ, He has given us the authority to "speak to our mountains."  God does the work; as we take our position in faith, we voice activate the power that Christ offers removing those things in life that overwhelms and stifles the abundance of living in Him.  It's time for us to say, "mountain be removed and drop into the sea".....no more darkness, no more chains.....I am free!!!!!

February 8, 2012

Let Faith Arise~

Let Faith arise....
This is the hour to grow our faith, there is a harvest that is yet to be harvested.  There are many lives just hanging in the balance and we are the ones that will tip the scale; as we go about our daily lives doing kingdom purposes.  There are many just waiting, for those of us with FAITH that can move mountains; to come on the scene and minister deliverance, healing and salvation.  There are many that are longing to be told the Good News of the Gospel, so let's cross the "chicken line" and walk out the destiny of Faith that we are called to.  This is the time, day and season for miracles, let's step up and step out.

February 3, 2012

Worth it All~

The forces of hell are raging across the earth....and all of heaven is raising their voice in one shout....."stand you mighty warriors, stand strong you faithful saints.... All of heaven shouts "Arise, the trumpet will soon sound....it can't be much longer, and the King of Kings will appear in the Eastern skies."  Glorious, Marvelous, Amazing, beyond compare......is the echoing song that floods across the universe as the heavenly saints proclaim praises to our Majestic Redeemer and Friend.  They sing a resounding chorus that flows past the courts of praise and enters the earth on wings of the Spirit delivering hope to ears that can hear....it will be worth it all when we see Jesus!

February 1, 2012

Solid Rock~

On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand....This is a great hymn from the past with a powerful message for the present.  Christ alone can handle our most difficult life sorrows.  During the storms of life, cling to the Rock. At first it will be a feeling of hanging on in sheer desperation, but as we continue to cling to The Rock and see that He is unmovable, a constant, never changing....we will begin to STAND as we have a new level of  knowledge that we can trust Him.  We will realize, even during the storms of life, we can trust God to keep our feet on solid ground. And our soul will be anchored with a depth of understanding that is a by-product of a Spirit to Spirit encounter that changes the course of our thought process, from fear to one of faith. And our fears will fade as we will dare to believe, even in the face of life's turbulence. We will begin to mirror the character of our God  as we witness His immovable and victorious Spirit within us, as we no longer bow to the "what if's" in life.  And we will now be standing on the Solid Rock, and we will keep on STANDING...... immovable.

War on The Floor~

We wrestle not against people, but against those things not seen in the natural realm.  Yet it's true that the arena of the fight is seen here on the earth through mankind. The enemy of our soul is on the look out, just waiting for opportunities to cause any dissension between mankind. The evil works, displays of anger, unkind and hurtful ways, intentional words spoken to wound, etc. are all arranged in the Spirit realm using men and women as though they're puppets.   And we soon realize our only line of defense is to go to our knees and make war on the floor against the powers of darkness. As we grow our Spirit, we become Spiritual Giants in the land, using the Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit to quench the attacks of the enemy. Spiritual Giants make it impossible for the enemy of our soul, to use us as a carrier of destruction to our self or to someone else.....God, help us grow our Spirit Man!

All You Need.

"Not only do I have spiritual provision for you, but also financial provision, provision for health, and provision for emotional well being.  Do not believe the lies of the enemy that this is how it's always been and this is how it will remain.  I'm much greater than any problem or situation you are currently under or a lingering problem embedded from your past.  I am your mighty Savior and redeemer, deliverer, healer, advocate and friend. I am MASTER, RULER, JUDGE; I am the KING OF ALL KINGS, I have the final say, and I say I am for you.  Tap into Me, the one who has the power to raise the dead and the giver of every good thing. I am all that you need."

January 27, 2012


CRAZY FAITH ~  to believe for the impossible, to believe for the unexplainable, to believe for the miraculous, to believe for the supernatural, to believe for the unbelievable....... Linking arms with CRAZY FAITH and believing for those things that are not yet seen.

January 25, 2012

He is a Big God~

We serve a big God and He can take care of those things that we can't take care of, change or fix. He is forever watching over us and as we come to Him with praise, thanking Him for who He is and His majesty, we have pushed past our own afflictions in life and entered into this place with Him that is lovely. It's an understanding that He is GREAT and WORTHY of our praise and He does all things well. Being in relationship with God truly is a giving and taking, as we give Him praise, He takes from us our heavy heart and marks it with grace and peace. He gives us His strength, embedding within us a confidence that nothing is impossible with God and He takes from us our sorrow and cocoons us in His love. Praising Him through the storm, waiting and watching for our miracle, He surrounds us with the beauty of Himself and His embrace will remind us, He is a big God and we have nothing to fear for He is with us.

January 24, 2012

Here Am I~

"There is coming a day when no man will work....will you work for Me today? " This is the voice of the Father calling out to us, saying," the time is short and the workers are few, there is much that remains to be accomplished in this hour.  For when you think not, the Son of Man will return."  We see the signs all about us; catching a glimpse of fear in the eye of a passing stranger, or hearing a comment now and then from friends about possible disaster, observing in the stores a 30 day supply of meals, in case the unexpected happens. Yes, this is the season we're living in, and the signs are all around us.  As we're running out of time, let's work aggressively to promote the Gospel of the Good News.  We've been comfortable enjoying our "social church groups", subconsciously living in this place of "us four and no more", making things happen for us; while showing no concern for those that are yet to be found by Him.  Here is the desire of Christ....that we go out into all the world and spread the Gospel, making disciples of all men.  This "going out" will look different for each one of us, but one thing remains the same, we each one are to reach out to others, not just living unto our self.  This is our prayer God, here am I send me.

January 22, 2012

Change is in the Air~

When a shift takes place in the Spirit realm, we may not always notice it in the natural right away.  So we continue to stand, waiting and watching for the fullness of time to come that allows us to see the facts of life submit and align to the truth of God.  Waiting can be a testing of our faith.  So we discipline our mind to stay in this place of believing truth, making a strong choice to stay focused on truth and not believe the facts that we see before us.  As we trust in truth we will find a steadiness that wells up within our Spirit to empower and strengthen  us on our journey in life.  We must choose to ignore the facts of life....facts, are always changing and if we ride the "fact wave" it will be a life of unsteadiness and uncertainty.  There is much happening on the earth that wants to vie for our attention, so take this matter seriously, as we train our mind to keep our thoughts on the good report of the Lord; we will strengthen our weak knees and run this race well.

January 20, 2012

The End.

There's a message from heaven, look at the times and the seasons.

The End is so near; only participate in those things that He holds dear.

Look at the whole of creation, It groans in anticipation. The End is so near and many will shed a tear.

Things are much worse than they seem, this is only the outer layer that can be seen. The End is near and it will cause great fear.

I hear the Spirit say, discern the time and season that you're living in, The End is Near ~ Don't conform to the world and the things of this world. "the end is so very near....as in the days of Noah, there was drinking, marrying and laughing.....so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man." As in the days of Noah it'd never rained before..... But time is truly ticking and Jesus is coming....., and as in Noah's day when the rain starts falling it's too late, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes." Do not engage with the things of this world but hold them loose and hold tightly to The Father as He is our only source of hope in this world and the one to come.

January 19, 2012


The demons shutter when they hear My name.  There truly is power in My name.  Life giving power is in My name.  Life changing power is in My name.  My name is above every name.  When you are in need, call out My name.  When you praise, call out My name.  When you’re in worship, call out My name.  In My name you will find health, wholeness, wisdom, strength, encouragement and help.  There is no other name that can set the captive free.  None other can bring redemption to the lost.  No other name can heal the brokenness that lies within you.  There is no other name greater than the name of JESUS.  I have an attentive ear….waiting, listening for you to call out My name.  And when you call I will answer. 


January 18, 2012

This is What's Difficult....

When you enter the flow of My presence you will find it is full of power, instruction, wisdom and understanding. I know this is where you want to abide, to live in this place of abundance that I have for you, and yet, you find it difficult to arrive at this place. The battle is within your own flesh not wanting to give up your own desires, giving in to the flesh is easy but not beneficially to the Spirit or to living a life full of the power and presence of God. Life is not difficult because of the things that I send your way... I only give you good and not evil. Life is difficult and painful as you live in the natural. But, I tell you, this life your living is a counterfeit to what I have for you....you have chosen to live second best...you have chosen "Ishmael living", living within the natural realm; instead of " Isaac living", living in the supernatural. I have the best for you and it requires you dying to yourself, as painful as this is to you.....die to your flesh and and live in My Spirit.....the best is yet to come.

January 17, 2012

There is Order~

There is order in the Throne Room.  As we enter the Throne Room, in the presence of a King, we will soon realize there is an order that we become a part of.  We don't enter the Throne Room and take control, giving the orders of what's to happen and how it will happen, no, we submit to the orders that are spoken in the room.  So it is in the Heavenly Throne Room.  When we enter the presence of the King of Kings, we soon realize there is order in His Throne Room. And after being in His presence we will know our place.  We don't enter and put things in order....as we abide in His presence, He puts His order within us, aligning our will to His....what a beautiful thing to enter, abide and be changed by the presence of the King of Kings, submitting to the things He has for us.  It will have a much different effect within our lives than us trying to order the Spirit, trying to take control of life and situations, as though God is a puppet on a string. Yes, He has given us all power and authority, not to be used as we see fit, giving Him the orders; instead we are to "only do those things we see the Father doing".  This speaks of being in relationship with the Father, hearing His voice and following His lead. Oh God, give us ears to hear what the Spirit is saying.

January 15, 2012

A Word for the Coming Days....

This will be a time in history that is unprecedented…..

What’s coming will be both joyous, but tumultuous.  

It speaks in the Bible that these things must come before the coming of the Son of Man.  Wars, rumors of war, earthquakes and famines…..

We will truly look in to the past and sorrow the time and money that we spent, desirous of things to be so different now….we will be desperate for things to go back to “normal”.  But this will be our new normal…..We are living in the last days and this is what is spoken of in scripture, the things that must happen before the Son of Man will return.

What’s coming, will be unexpected events and never seen by this Nation before.  Chaos will ensue as there will be famine across the land, rioting and conflict, with other nations within our own borders.  The scripture will be fulfilled, “Men’s hearts failing them for fear.” Yes, it truly will be a tumultuous time for those who have not put their confidence in God Almighty, trusting Him with their very life.

Yet, for believers, it will be a joyous time as we know who holds the future and He is the One who holds our hand, even in this season.  For those that have put their faith, hope, trust and confidence in the Almighty One, we will see the hand of God in unbelievable and unexplainable ways.  He will work wonders and miracles on our behalf……HIS NAME WILL BE GLORIFIED!

But for those that haven’t put their trust in the Almighty it will be a time of great trouble and despair, as things will truly be out of control with extreme and intense life threatening situations across the land.

We are in need of a Savior today….. We need to be in relationship with Christ where we know we are firmly anchored to the Rock that is immovable; being confident that He has all things in control and that He will never leave us or forsake us.  We need to be sure of this one thing, that He is our SAVIOR both in this life and the one to come.  We need to arrive at the conclusion that God is on our side, and that He is for us to succeed spiritually, the whole time God will be is working great things within us that will last for eternity. Let’s settle it now……we are in need of a SAVIOR!

January 14, 2012

Behold Our God~

"What is it that you need.  What is it that you desire......
There is much happening across the face of the Earth, right now.  But I have placed My Spirit upon you, says the Lord of Host, and as you seek after Me I will come like a strong and mighty wind, you will be caught up into the heavenly realm placed in the powerful presence of God.  I'm going to reveal Myself to you and you will realize, I am the only thing that you need and desire. 
I know you don't understand all that is transpiring in life right now.  Don't be stuck in this place of confusion, trying to figure out what to do and how to do it.  This is a season and time in the world like none other, I have placed a net of safety around you, even though it feels like you're being swept along with the troubles of this life, I will come to your rescue.  You will KNOW that it is from My hand and you will glorify My name.  Do not despair, I am coming with a vengeance and you WILL see the provision and help that you need in this time of crisis".

January 12, 2012


We are stepping into a different time and season.  When God says, "step", we move as He instructs.  We've given our selves much liberty to do in this life as we please, doing what we think is best, according to our own plan or agenda.  God gave His Son as an example of how to live this life on the earth. He only did those things He saw The Father doing.  This is a different perspective than the standards of this world.  God says, don't boast of your plans, but let Him direct our every step.  And the world says, we are the one to set the standard for our life, we are the one that accomplishes great things.  If left to our own thoughts and ways, we are limiting great opportunities that God has planned for us.  "I do all things well, My ways are much higher than your ways, so wait on Me, listen for My instruction and then "step".  I offer you more than you can think, dream or imagine, so why live according to your knowledge, let Me truly direct your every "step" and take you to heights you never thought possible."

January 9, 2012

God of the Impossible~

The Bible wasn't written to be read as a novel.  It's full of Truth that will help us in our life.
Scripture says; God is the God of the impossible. It also states, with Him all things are possible.  He opens doors that no man can shut and shuts doors that no man can open.
He is the One that causes dry, dead bones to come to life ~ all things are possible with God.
He is the One that positioned a fish, and opened his mouth to swallow Jonah ~  God opens things that no man can shut.
He caused the mouth of Lions to be shut ~  God shuts things that no man can open. 
Situations and circumstances in our life that are impossible with man are possible with God. In our daily living, we're either choosing to believe God and His Word or choosing to live in unbelief. Let's be believers; who choose to believe Truth, who choose to focus on and trust the One who will do the impossible for us. We choose God!

Come Holy Spirit~

If we operate in this life without the infilling of the Holy Spirit, it's like being a spiritual beggar.  But when we've had an encounter with the Power of the Holy Spirit we're now functioning within the Spiritual riches that God speaks of.  Having a power to change our soul man, of it's habits, addictions, attitudes etc.  Living with a power to be bold and operate in faith that can move mountains, trusting in God to deliver us from the mouth of the Lion and save us from the fiery furnace.  Living through the Power of the Holy Spirit, we are now able to access the riches of heaven where nothing is withheld from us. This is the unlimited power that is spoken of in John, that is available for us in this life.  Christ said He offers us life and more abundantly, Oh come Holy Spirit we need you!!!


We need an experience with the changing power of the Holy Spirit operating in our daily lives.  Christ instructed the disciples that they needed to encounter the Holy Spirit, to empower them. If we are living without the Holy Spirit operating in our life, we will be weak in faith, weak in belief, weak in power to overcome addictions, habits and attitudes.  But when we encounter the working power of the Holy Spirit, we then produce fruit that both man and God witness.  Encountering the Holy Spirit will cause us to live through Christ Jesus our Lord, as "He will give us power from on high," and there are many of us that are in need of power today. This is a moment of truth ~We're desperate for the Holy Spirit to empower us to walk out successful living, we need boldness, wisdom, direction and understanding for the days we're living in.  If the disciples needed the power of the Holy Spirit to live, how much more we must need it, as we are living in the last of the last days.

January 8, 2012

This is the Year!

This is the year, I'm going to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters will prophecy and you will dream dreams and see visions.  There is none like Me, therefore, there will be none that can do what I have planned for those that seek after Me.  Great things are coming and you will see the provision of the Lord in powerful and unusual ways.  There is much that is coming in both the natural and the supernatural, but those who wait and watch for Me will be the ones that experience the supernatural, which you will need in the coming days.  Do not fret or worry, I do all things well, you will know that it's My hand upon you, as you witness protection and provision.  Look unto Me, the author of every good thing. I will provide all that you need. I will accomplish great things within your Spirit man as you hunger and thirst after Me.  Miracles are on the way!

January 4, 2012

On the Horizon

I see a miracle coming on the horizon, it's the size of a man's hand.  It's coming to deliver a deposit of the Spirit of God across our land.  It's coming with Fire to purify and cleanse.  It's coming with Rain, to refresh the weary.  It's coming with Power, Wisdom and Authority to bring deliverance.  It's coming with Healing from the Master's hand.  It's coming with Abundance and Provision to help us.  It's coming with Peace for those in distress.  It's coming with a Sword to penetrate deep within the very heart of man to transfer our heart of stone into a heart of flesh. IT'S COMING.


When we've come to the end of our self and we know there isn't anything more that we can do for our situation, LEAN, lean upon the everlasting arms of God.  There are many miracles that are on the horizon and they are much needed, we are living with situations that are beyond our control. If we could do anything to fix what is crushing upon us, we already would have.  But many of us are standing in the need of a miracle, with man this is impossible, and so we Lean into the precious presence of our Faithful Father and Friend who promises to never leave us or forsake us.  We're in good company as we have testimony in scripture that our God is beyond compare and He is the author of every good thing, He is a Miracle Worker and He is on our side.  So let's LEAN heavy into Him and allow God to shelter us as we wait out the storm, watching for our miracle to arrive.

January 3, 2012

Express Your Self~

Do you remember the old hymn.  I'm leaning, safe and secure on the everlasting arms of God.  The old saints experienced life at degrees that encouraged the writings of some of these familiar songs to remind us where our help comes from.  King David, penned the Psalms during life experiences, both good and bad trusting in God.  Through out history there have been great heroes that placed their confidence in The King of Kings and often it is revealed during hardship. Could it be, that this is a time for us to unveil the greatness of our God, by giving expression in song, and in conversation, ever keeping His Truths on our lips through out our day. Yes, there is darkness upon the earth right now, but let's speak of the One whose name is Faithful and True, not allowing our self to conform to the ways of man and succumb to the negative.  Let's think on the goodness of God and all things that are positive, lovely and of a good report.  Encouraging our self and building each other up in our Most Holy Faith.

Pleasing to God~

"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."  The Bible is full of instruction on living.  Often we will read a verse like this and  skim over it ~ this verse doesn't say; if life is good and all is well, rejoice. But, often times, this is how we choose to have this verse function in our life. There are times when the road we're on is difficult at best, but we choose to rejoice only because we are operating in faith, trusting in God and His Word, that all things work together for good.  We may not see the good in our situation, but we press on choosing to rejoice. As we rejoice, we are walking by faith and not by sight. This is pleasing to God, because, without Faith it is impossible to please God. And isn't this what it's all about, living a life pleasing to our God.

Much Bigger~

The Spirit of God is saying, "Do you hear My voice right now? I am telling you to expect exceeding, abundantly above all you can ask, think, dream or imagine, this is what I am going to do.  More than your mind can comprehend, this is what I have in store for those who are looking for Me.  Don't box Me in and try to tell Me how I can do this....It will come in forms that you least expect it.  And get out of the mindset of man, that it has to be financial.....I AM SO MUCH BIGGER THAN THAT~ Will I supply all you need, yes, but I also supply more than you even know you need.  There are things within your Spirit man that you are lacking, and have need of, yet it's unknown to you.  This is where I come in, meeting your needs with more than you can imagine.....I am always working in areas within you that man can not see.  Issues deep within the heart.  This is the need within you that I long to fill, with abundance, blessing, prosperity of the Spirit.  More than you can ask, think, dream or imagine!!!!"

January 1, 2012

A New Normal

 These are critical days we're living in as the powers of darkness know the time is short and is causing chaos in our life trying to derail us. God knew we would have life situations and circumstances today that cause a weariness and He has promised, as we wait upon the Lord we will renew our strength. We are experiencing things in the natural that make it impossible to feel strong or victorious, but God speaks of a life that we can live, full of  unlimited power to help us in our daily living.  This power can only come from the the throne of God.  We must arise in the Spirit and stay in this place with God where we're functioning at a level that is unnatural to our human thoughts and ways. We need to allow the Spirit of God to develop us into Spirit Beings that are in a continuous state of  operating in the flow of God.  As the Spirit realm has shifted we need to tap into a surge of power from God that gives us the ability to calm the storms in life allowing us to mount up with wings like eagles.  We will no longer be weary, but strong and victorious.  Let's make 2012 the year we access and live in the supernatural; which needs to be our new normal.